Human Safety For an office safety program to be effective, few things are the basic & what would be more important to the work place then the office chair. CASTOR WHEELS, those are incorrect for the floor surface can pose the risk of serious injury. Even brand new chairs can cause problems as they are […]
Since ages it has been observed the necessity has given birth to invention and it is this very necessity of man that has brought several new inventions into this world. Most of these inventions were done to reduce the manual work that required whole lot of effort in order to be carried out. To reduce […]
Wheel Diameter The nominal diameter of the outside of the wheel, this typically describes the basic size of the Castor (i.e. a 2” wheel diameter caster is typically referred to as a 2” Castor). Swivel Radius The distance from the center of the fastening to the outer most point of the Castor. This specifies the
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